Lab Essentials


Our products

Anything from basic lab supplies like Westburg brand pipets tips to high end
capital equipment. And our four decades of experience is always included.

Picture Lab essentials 1

Cloning & Expression

Picture Cloning 2

Sample Prep

Picture Sample Prep 3


Picture PCR 4

Cell Biology

Picture cell biology 5

Real-Time PCR

Cell Counting

Picture NGS 7

Protein Biology

Picture Product Bundles 8
Picture Protein Biology 6

Trending fields of expertise

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Gradient 4


Learn about the PCR and qPCR mechanisms contributing to good laboratory practice here.

Cell counting

Cell counting is made easy with this state-of-the-art and affordable solution. Even students will work faultlessly.

Reproducibility in research

Discover how you can access reproducible data with convenient solutions.

Cell culture

Confidently perform cell culture experiments with these insights into media, transfection, and other challenges.

Whether searching for scientific breakthroughs in your Life Science lab, or efficiently producing high-quality data. We supply you with cutting edge tools, advice and solutions for your scientific research. 

Trusted by leading institutes
Antoni van Leeuwenhoek
Oncode Institute
Jeroen Bosch Ziekenhuis
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
TU Delft
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven

Our contributions to life sciences

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Advice, support & solutions

Make sure you are using the best tools every day. Next to quickscans, we provide sufficient supplies with our warehousing and stockprogram solutions.

The scientists sidekick

For us, being a sidekick means synergy. Helping you achieve your scientific and business goals faster and more efficient.

The scientists sidekick

For us, being a sidekick means synergy. Helping you achieve your scientific and business goals faster and more efficiently.

Quality, Delivered

As a scientist you make progress by failing. But with quality tools and protocols you can prevent time wasting mistakes in your research.